Artists Collabs

A Space for creative minds

Meet the extraordinary minds behind some of IKONO’s most unique, immersive installations. A vibrant tapestry of global talent that found in IKONO a truly revolutionary canvas to bring their kaleidoscope of artistic innovation to life.

Each artist brings their eclectic story, style, and personality to the spaces, infusing every corner of the IKONO venues with boundless creativity.

Heather Bellino

Heather Bellino


Based in Las Vegas and multi-disciplinary in her artistic nature, Heather invites visitors to delve beyond symbolism and patterns to uncover deeper undertones in her subjects. Her work, much like her personality, presents an initial layer of playfulness. However, beneath each piece's narrative, she aims to depict the complexity of humanity, revealing deeper, more introspective layers as visitors interact with her work.

Ishita Banerjee

Ishita Banerjee


Based in Montreal, Canada, and influenced by Western, South Asian, and Indian Cubism, Ishita weaves intricate narratives through color, space, shapes, and, sometimes, even their absence. Her works delve into the essence of the human experience, exploring profound connections between individuals, their stories, and the places they inhabit, aiming to capture the complex emotions evoked by their interactions.

Kimberly Leahey

Kimberly Leahey


Based in the United States, Kilaarts is Kimberly’s painting style that incorporates Japanese, Hawaiian, Mexican, graffiti, and ancient tribal influences. Kimberly is a self-taught painter who captures the essence of nature’s majesty and power with each brushstroke, then enriched by the use of black-light as the distinctive signature of her creations.

Ruben Sanchez

Ruben Sanchez


Based in Barcelona and influenced by Mediterranean style, Ruben Sanchez conveys a manifold of intriguing messages through his masterpieces, challenging the viewers to uncover them. His work is characterized by vibrant colors, asymmetries, and a lack of perfect proportions, exploring themes such as connectivity, human imperfection, and the imbalances that keep our lives balanced.

Ricardo Cavolo

Ricardo Cavolo


Based in Spain and influenced by outsider art and global myths, Ricardo Cavolo's portraits tell compelling stories, while vibrant colors add depth to his contemporary folk art style. Focusing on portraiture and murals, his work weaves complex narratives, mixing symmetry and symbolism to engage audiences of all backgrounds.

Sena Runa

Sena Runa


Based in Istanbul, Sena masterfully infuses paper quilling with her vivid style, drawing inspiration from the limitless color palette offered by nature. This profound connection is unmistakably reflected in the elaborate designs and patterns she crafts: a celebration of life and the multifaceted vibrancy within it. From the whimsical to the profound, her art invites us to explore a world of beauty beyond the boundaries of imagination, one swirl at a time.

Caroline Wendelin

Caroline Wendelin


Based in southern Spain, in her artwork, Caroline Wendelin merges a variety of techniques with emotional exploration, creating a visual symphony that awakens the viewer's sensibility. Each brushstroke seems to tell silent stories and invite contemplation, as if her portraits were windows to the soul of both the subject of the art and that of the observer.

Kaisar Kolektif

Kaisar Kolektif

@janwillemtattoo @kaisarkolektif

Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Kaisar Kolektif is the creative collective of multidisciplinary artist Jan Willem and creative director Nia Days. Merging Jan Willem’s expertise in painting, illustration, design, and tattooing, with Nia Days’ insightful approach to creative direction and design, this dynamic duo pushes the boundaries of their creativity. Inspired by the rich traditions of Japanese and Asian craftsmanship, together they bring their bold, artistic vision to life, crafting designs and creations that captivate the eye and leave a lasting impact.

Emma Rytoft

Emma Rytoft


Emma Rytoft's paintings, pulsating with color, are imbued with the magic of life. Celebrating the power of femininity with a particular focus on motherhood, her work highlights essential values such as love, nurture and freedom. Through her enchanting scenes, she invites viewers to reflect on humanity's place in the universe. By painting details from her daily life and incorporating seemingly unrelated objects, plants, and animals, she underscores the concept of universal interconnectedness.